
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Questions based on latest RBI Policy
1. In the context of monitoring for verification of end use of funds for loans sanctioned by banks,
which of the following is not part of RBI guidelines on the issue :
a) meaningful scrutiny of the periodical progress reports and operating / financial statements of
the borrowers;
b) regular visits to the assisted units and inspection of securities charged / hypothecated to the
c) periodical scrutiny of the books of accounts of the borrowers;
d) None of the above
2. In the context of monitoring for verification of end use of funds for loans sanctioned by banks,
which of the following is part of RBI guidelines on the issue:
a) introduction of stock audits depending upon the extent of exposure;
b) obtention of certificates from the borrowers that the funds have been utilized for the purposes
c) examination of all aspects of diversion of funds during internal audit / inspection of the
branches and at the time of periodical reviews.
d) all the above
3. A non – banking financial company with carries on the business of acquisition of shares and
securities and satisfies certain conditions, is called :
a) Investment company
b) financial company
c) non – bank finance company
d) core investment company
4. A core investment company must hold not less than ____ of its net assets in the form of
investment in equity shares, preference shares, bonds, debentures, debt or loans in group
a) 100%
b) 90%
c) 74%
d) 60%
5. The investment made by core investment company in the equity shares (including instruments
compulsorily convertible into equity shares within a period not exceeding 10 years from the date
of issue) in group companies must constitute not less than ___ of its net assets :
a) 100%
b) 90%
c) 74%
d) 60%
6. A core investment company cannot invest in which of the following:
a) bank deposits,
b) money market instruments, including money market mutual funds
c) govt. securities
d) none of the above
7. A core investment company can undertake which of the following activity :
a) investment in bonds or debentures issued by group companies;
b) granting of loans to group companies
c) issuing guarantees on behalf of group companies.
d) all the above
8. A systemically important core investment company means a core investment company
fulfilling the following conditions
(a) Having total assets of not less than Rs.100 crore, either individually or in aggregate along
with other Core Investment Companies in the Group;
(b) Raises or holds public funds;
(c) makes investment in bank deposit or govt. securities.
a) a, b and c all
b) a and b only
c) a and c only
d) b and c only
9. In the context of system of speed Clearing which of the following is correct
(a) it leverages on Core Banking Solutions implemented in banks across the country
(b) it facilitates realization of outstation cheques drawn on CBS – enabled branches at the local
centre itself
(c) it obviates the need of such cheques to physically move to the outstation centre.
a) a, b and c all
b) a and b only
c) a and c only
d) b and c only
10. Speed Clearing is enabled for cheques issued by account holders with the following
transaction codes:
a) 10 (savings bank) only
b) 11 (current account) only
c) 13 (cash credit) only
d) all transaction codes, other than those relating to government cheques.
11. The extended scope of Speed Clearing became operative w.e.f:
a) Jan 01, 2011
b) Feb 01, 2011
c) Mar 01, 2011
d) Apr 01, 2011
12. As per RBI guidelines, the banks should not invest in Non-SLR securities of original
maturity of less than one-year, except which of the following:
a) certificate of deposit
b) non-convertible debentures
c) commercial paper
d) all the above
13. As per extant guidelines of RBI on capital adequacy and market discipline, all the banks in
India would continue to have the parallel run till __:
a) Mar 31, 2011
b) Mar 31, 2012
c) Mar 31, 2013
d) Mar 31, 2014
14. As per extant guidelines of RBI on capital adequacy and market discipline, the banks are to
ensure that their Basel II minimum capital requirement continues to be higher than the prudential
floor of ____ of the minimum capital requirement computed as per Basel I frame work for credit
and market risks.
a) 75%
b) 80%
c) 90%
d) 100%
15. As per RBI directions, the preparation of calendar of SLBC/UTLBC meetings by convenor
bank and intimation to all the concerned of the cut-off dates for submission of data and dates of
meetings to be sent by which of the following dates:
a) by 15th January
b) by 31st January
c) by 15th February
d) by 28th February
16. What is the dead line for submission of data to SLBC convenor bank, by difference banks in
a State:
a) one week from close of the quarter
b) 10 days from close of the quarter
c) 15 from close of the quarter
d) 4 weeks from close of the quarter
17. Convenor banks is required to ensure holding of SLBC meeting within:
a) 30 days from close of the half – year
b) 45 days from close of the half year
c) 30 days from close of the quarter
d) 45 days from close of the quarter
18. Which time limit fixed by RBI in connection with SLBC meeting is not correctly stated:
a) reminder by convenor bank to the banks regarding exact date of meeting – 15 days before end
of the quarter.
b) forwarding the minutes of the SLBC meeting to all stakeholders within 10 days from holding
te meeting.
c) follow up action points emerged from the meeting – within 30 days of forwarding the
d) none of the above
19. Statistics on operation of pre-paid instruments is required to be furnished to RBI by banks:
a) on monthly basis, within 7 days from close of the month
b) on monthly basis, within 10 days from close of the month
c) on quarterly basis, within 7 days from close of the quarter
d) on quarterly basis, within 10 days from close of the quarter
20. All eligible current account transactions including trade transactions with which of the
following ACU country should be settled in any permitted currency outside the ACU mechanism,
as per RBI directions:
a) Srilanka
b) Iran
c) Mynamar
d) Nepal
Recalled Questions Jan, 2011
21. An HUF cannot become partner in a Partnership Firm? This is as per provisions of:
a) RBI directives
b) SEBI guidelines
c) Provisions of Hindus Law
d) none of the above
22. Where a notice reading ‘Customers can also tender cheques at the counter and obtain
acknowledgement on the pay-in-slips’ is to be displayed by bank branches?
a) on the counter
b) on the entry door of the branch premises
c) on the cheque drop-box itself
d) at the place where other notices have been displayed
23. Which of the following RBI guidelines on Nomination is correct?
a) on pass book, the name of nominee can be written with or without customer request.
b) On FDR, the name of nominee can be written with or without customer request.
c) on FDR and pass book the words nomination registered are to be indicated.
d) all the above
24. Simplified KYC procedure is to be followed for the accounts with balance not exceeding
________ and advisory notice is to be sent to customer when the balance exceeds:
a) Rs.50000, Rs.100000
b) Rs.50000, Rs.80000
c) Rs.40000, Rs.50000
d) Rs.50000, Rs.40000
25. Preservation period for records pertaining to identification documents obtained while
opening the account is ___________
a) 10 Years after the business relationship is ended
b) 10 Years after the date of opening the account
c) 10 Years after the date of last transaction in the account
d) 10 Years
26. Loans to __________ with investments in plant and machinery upto Rs.10 cr is classifed as
priority sector advance to _________.
a) food and agro-based processing units, SME
b) food and agro-based processing units, indirect agriculture
c) food and agro-based processing units, indirect SME
d) Fruit processing units, indirect agrilculture
27. As per recommendations of the _______, the allocation of 60% of the MSE advances to the
micro enterprises is to be achived in 2010-11 and 2011-12 is 50%; 55%.
a) Prime Minister’s Task force
b) MSME Ministry Task Force
c) RBI Working Group
d) Ministry of Industruy Govt. of India Task Force.
28. The limit for collateral free loans is up to Rs.10 alc, is in respect of loans to which of the
following category:
a) Export loans
b) Direct Agriculture Loans
c) MSME units
d) none of these
29. In case of restructure of Suit Filed accounts under CDR system, the consent of _______ %
lenders by _____ consent of ____ is required?
a) 75% by value and 75% by number
b) 60% by value and 75% by number
c) 75% by value and 60% by number
d) in suit filed loans, CDR restructuring is not permitted
30. After taking possession of the immovable property, copy of the possession notice is to be
published in two local newspaper not later than ____ days.
a) 7 days
b) 15 days
c) 30 days
d) no time limit
31. As per RBI directives, the collateral security on indirect agriculture loans in priority sector, is
mandatoriy waived up to ________?
a) Rs.50000
b) Rs.100000
c) Rs.200000
d) Discretion of the banks
32. Cash Budget System is useful in those cases________:
a) where there is wide fluction in the level of current liabilities
b) where there is wide fluctuation in the level of fixed assets and long term liabilities.
c) where there is wide fluctuation in the level of current assets
d) all the above.
33. Which of the following group of exporters is not eligiible for interest subvention of 2% on
Rupee Export Credit:
a) Jute Manufacturing including Floor covering
b) Leather and Leather Manufactures
c) Engineering Goods
d) Gems and Jewellary
34. Current Ratio is 1.25:1 I case of and 1.33:1 in case of ____ following method of lending:
a) MPBF method, cash budget method
b) MPBF method, turnover method
c) Turnover method, cash budget method
d) Turnover method, MPBF method
35. For delay, the penalty is Rs.250 per day and max Rs.25000 in respect of which and max
Rs.25000 in respect of which of the following:
a) violation of RBI guidelines by a bank
b) violation of SEBI regulations by a company
c) delay in providig information under RTI Act.
d) delay in compensating a customer under Bank Ombudsman Scheme
36. Bank has to reimburse the customers within 12 day in respect of which of the folowing:
a) cancellation of demand draft on request of the purchaser.
b) wrongful payment of a cheque made from customer’s account
c) amount wrongfully debited on account of failed ATM transactions
d) all the above
37. Interest Subsidy of __ on Housing Loans is available upto the loan amount of Rs.10 lac
where the cost of house does not exceed ____ :
a) 0.5%, Rs.25 lac
b) 1.0%, Rs.20 lac
c) 1.5%, Rs.15 lac
d) 2.0%, Rs.20 lac
38. Additional interest subvention of 2% for prompt payment of crop loan by farmers is available
to Public Sector Banks on the condition that the effective rate of interest on such loans to farmers
will be ____:
a) 5%
b) 7%
c) 8.5%
d) 9%
39. Present minimum limit for RTGS transactions is ____:
a) Rs.50000
b) Rs. 1 lac
c) Rs. 2 lac
d) Rs.5 lac
40. NEFT batches on week days and on Saturday are:
a) 11 and 5, half – hourly batches
b) 11 and 5, hourly batches
c) 11 and 5, 2-hourly batches
d) 9 and 6, 2-hourly batches
41. The cause of action has arisen on Jan 22, 2010 under Consumer Protection Act. In this case,
the suit can be filed by which of the following dates;
a) Feb 21, 2010
b) Jan 21, 2011
c) Jan 21, 2012
d) Jan 22, 2013
42. What is the rate of commission on receipts relating to Govt. Business..
a) Rs.5 per Rs.100 of turnover
b) Rs.9 per Rs.100 of turnover
c) Rs.45 per transaction
d) Rs.60 per transaction
43. The ANBC represents which of the following:
a) outstanding loans within a bank as on Mar 31st
b) net bank credit + investment in non-SLR bonds in HTM category
c) net bank credit + investment in non – SLR bonds in HTM category – FCNR deposits.
d) net bank credit – export credit.
44. Subsidy in case of SGSY loans is kept in ___.
a) in an interest free fixed deposit account
b) in an interest free current account
c) in an interest free saving bank account
d) in subsidy reserve fund.
45. Maximum project cost for USEP (Women) segment projects in SJSRY is restricted to __ per
a) Rs.2 lac
b) Rs.1 lac
c) Rs. 50000
d) there is no ceiling
46. CGTMSE amount of guarantee cover for a balance of Rs.80 lakhs in case of an eligible
normal borrower in other than NE states, will be:
a) Rs.55 lac
b) Rs.52.50 lac
c) Rs.37.50 lac
d) Rs.22.50 lac
47. A bill of lading mentions that certain packets of goods are not properly packed and packing is
defective. This is:
a) claused bill of lading
b) clean bill of lading
c) defective bill of lading
d) stale bill of lading
48. Which f the following are presently kept at 6% by RBI:
a) CRR and Repo Rate
b) Repo Rate and Bank Rate
c) Bank Rate and CRR
d) CRR and reverse repo rate
49. Risk weightage on Consumer Credit/Credit Cards, for capital adequacy ratio purpose is:
a) 75%
b) 100%
c) 125%
d) 150 %
50. Minimum period of issue which of the following instruments is not 7 days:
a) non-convertible debenture
b) certificate of deposit
c) commercial paper
d) bank FDR
51. Bank-A purchased an NPA account from Bank-B. Now Bank-A wants to sell this account to
Bank-C. Bank-B can do so after:
a) 15 months
b) 15 months from date of account becoming NPA with Bank-B
c) 15 months after 1st 90 days, when the Bank –B classifies the account in standard category
immediately on its purchase.
d) 15 months from date of purchase of account from Bank-A.
52. Which of the following loan is exempted from application of Base Rate:
a) loan given as export credit
b) loan given by a consortium of banks
c) loan given for direct agriculture purpose
d) none of the above
53. As per provisions of which of the folllowing, the nominated bank gets a period of ___ days to
verify the documents drawn drawn under a documentary credit:
a) RBI guidelines, 7 banking days
b) FEDAI rules, 5 banking days
c) UCPDC, 5 calendar days
d) none of these is correct
54. Which of the following is not a Financial Sector reform:
a) introduction of NPA guidelines
b) introduction of obtaining photograph of customers
c) application of asset liability management rules
d) none of the above
55. Which of the following is not correct regarding Safe Deposit Lockers guidelines of RBI:
a) branches are to maintain a waitlist for allotment of lockers that should be transparent
b) all locker allotment applications should be ackowledged
c) all locker allotment applications should be given a wait list number
d) bank can provide detailed terms and conditions of locker allotment to the customer but should
not provide copy of the agreement regarding operation of locker.
56. Which of the following banking facility cannot be offered to visually challlenged persons
(blind persons):
a) cheque book facility, net banking and ATM facility
b) Lockers
c) retail loans, credit card
d) none of these
57. Which of the following activity cannot be undertaken by Business Correspondents
a) disbursement of small value loans
b) collection of small value deposit
c) recovery of principal and interest
d) collection of transaction fee from customer
58. Interest subsidy on Housing Loans allowed to:
a) weaker section borrowers only
b) middle and low income groups
c) only low income group borrowers
d) all housing loan borrowers
59. TDS is deductible on which of the following account:
a) all type of term deposit accounts including recurring deposit
b) all saving bank accounts
c) all NRO accounts including saving bank, where of the above
d) none of the above.
60. Details of unimplemented awards of Ombudsman scheme pending for more than 3 months,
are to be placed by the banks to which of the following:
a) Dy. Governor RBI
b) CMD/ED/CEO of the bank
c) Customer Service Committee of Board
d) Board of Directors of the bank
61. W.e.f. Jan 24, 2011, the official timing for opration of Centralised Funds Management
System for Monday to Friday is:
a) 11 am to 4.30 pm
b) 11 am to 5.00 pm
c) 10 am to 4.30 pm
d) 10 am to 5.00 pm
62. W.e.f. Jan 24, 2011, the official timing for operation of Centralised Funds Management
System for Saturday is:
a) 11 am to 2.30 pm
b) 11 am to 3.00 pm
c) 10 am to 2.30 pm
d) 10 am to 3.00 pm
63. W.e.f. 1.4.2011, the processing/service charges for local clearing (by clearing house from
member banks) for clearing at MICR-CPCs for presenting bank and drawee bank are as under:
a) Rs.1 and Rs.1
b) Rs.1 and Rs.1.50
c) Rs.1.50 and Rs.1
d) Rs.1.50 and Rs.1.50
64. W.e.f. 1.4.2011, the processing/service charges for local clearing (by clearing house from
member banks) for clearing at cheque truncation, for presenting bank and drawee bank are as
a) 100 p and 75 p
b) 75 p and 75 p
c) 50 p and 100 p
d) 75 p and 50 p
65. W.e.f. 1.4.2011, the outstation cheque collection charges have been revised by RBI. Which
of the following is not corect in the revision:
a) up to Rs.5000 – Rs.25
b) Rs.5001 to Rs.10000-Rs.50
c) Rs.10001 to Rs.1 lac – Rs.100
d) none of the above
66. The charges for collection of outstation cheques as revised by RBI wef 1.04.2011 for cheques
of above Rs.1 lac as under:
a) Rs.100
b) Rs.150
c) 200
d) at discretion of bank
67. Service charges for cheque collection under speed clearing from customer by banks, wef
1.4.2011 for cheques up to Rs.1 lac are as under:
a) Rs.100
b) Rs.150
c) Rs.200
d) nil
68. Service charges for cheque collection under speed clearing from customer by banks, wef
1.4.2011 for cheques above Rs.1 lac are as under:
a) Rs.150
b) Rs.200
c) Rs.250
d) at discretion of the bank
69. RBI Sub-Committee of its Central Board of Directors to study Issues and concerns in the
micro finance institutions (MFI) Sector, which submitted its report in Jan 2011, was headed by
Sh. __:
a) Dr. Chakravarty
b) YH Malegam
c) Deepak Mohanty
d) VK Sharma
70. An accounting software developed for running in computer may be written in which of the
programming languages:
a) COBOL b) FOXPRO c) UNIX d) all of these
1.d 2.d 3.d 4.b 5.d 6.d 7.d 8.b 9.a 10.d 11.b 12.d 13.c 14.b 15.a 16.c 17.d 18.d 19.a 20.b
21.d 22.c 23.c 24.d 25.a 26.b 27.a 28.d 29.c 30.d 31.d 32.c 33.d 34.d 35.c 36.c 37.b 38.a 39.c
40.b 41.c 42.c 43.b 44.d 45.a 46.b 47.a 48.c 49.c 50.a 51.d 52.d 53.d 54.b 55.d 56.d 57.d 58.b
59.c 60.c 61.d 62.d 63.b 64.c 65.d 66.d 67.d 68.d 69.b 70. d

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